Sunday School
A New and Exciting Approach Towards Children’s Ministry We are excited to share a new approach to Sunday School for this year that recognizes the realities of families in our congregation and allows us to explore interactive, accessible and intergenerational approaches. All while maintaining a firm commitment to providing children and adults with opportunities and resources to form a solid faith foundation as individuals and families. Welcome Back Sunday on Sept. 22 will be an opportunity to gather as a whole faith community for worship and fellowship. While enjoying the food and activities, families and caregivers can register to receive information about this year’s children’s ministry resources. Videos, discussion questions, and colouring sheets will all be shared through an email newsletter, allowing families to learn together and follow along with the lectionary at home. Families are always welcome and encouraged to attend worship together. Beginning in October, a children’s message will introduce scripture and teachings through a video and brief discussion as part of the service. The nursery will be open for children age 0-6, with age-appropriate books and toys that will deepen learning and facilitate community-building. An activity table in the back of the sanctuary will provide items to pick up for colouring and quiet activities that children (and adults!) can use during worship. Busy bags will continue to be available. Quarterly Intergenerational activities called “Coffee and Chaos” will invite people of any age to learn, play and create together for 30 minutes after the service. The first one will be December 15 with a focus on the season of Advent. Save the date and more information will be shared in the coming months! This congregation is proud of being a “Faith Family,” and this approach to learning and faith formation invites us to all continue growing together in our faith and our relationship with one another. If you want to learn more about or support these opportunities in any way, please contact the Christian Education Committee at [email protected].
Learning and Growing Together!