Join us for Worship!

Worship services

We are pleased to welcome you to join us in person.

Sunday 10:00 am online or in-person.

Lent – Wednesday Services
Soup and Bread at 5:30 with Holden Evening Prayer at 6:30

Easter services

Maundy Thursday     April 17  7:00pm

Good Friday   April 18  10:00am

Easter Sunday
9:00 Traditional Service
10:00 Coffee
11:00 Contemporary Service

Join us online for livestreamed services at

You can reach our office by email at [email protected] or call 204 253-1491.

Your offering

Help us to continue supporting our members and community.


Worship Opportunities

Join us for live stream worship every Sunday at 10:00 AM on our Facebook page.

Special Events


Faith Lutheran Church

Faith Lutheran Church is a welcoming and accepting community.  We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all – regardless of race, culture, age, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, and economic status. We are committed to the ongoing work of inclusion and racial equity, and we want all people to know that they are precious in the eyes of God and valued for who they are. Join us online for worship and daily devotions and learn more of what we are all about.

Our Mission

The mission of Faith Lutheran, as an expression of the universal church and as an instrument of the Holy Spirit, is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people in Winnipeg and around the world through the proclamation of the Word and the celebration of the Sacraments and through service in Christ’s name.

Our Vision

Faith Lutheran, reflecting God’s grace, is seeking to reach out and serve people, primarily in south-east Winnipeg; to become a community of belonging and hope, built on caring and nurturing relationships, and spiritual direction and growth.

Our Values

We believe Christians are called to live in God’s grace and forgiveness, to join regularly in prayer, praise and loving community, to hear and read God’s Word and to celebrate the Sacraments, and to work together in God’s Kingdom using the gifts and abilities God has given us.

How to

Get Involved

Faith Lutheran offers a variety of opportunities to worship and share God’s love.  Check out our Ministries page, watch our Calendar, or just join us at worship to learn more.


Do you like to sing? Faith Lutheran is the place for you! Learn more about our variety of choirs and ensembles.



Interested in helping others, joining in fellowship, and performing God’s work? There is a ministry for you!


Christian Education

Young, old, and in-between, grow your Faith with us through our Christian Education programming.



Do you like to sing? Faith Lutheran is the place for you! Learn more about our variety of choirs and ensembles.



Interested in helping others, joining in fellowship, and performing God’s work? There is a ministry for you!


Christian Education

Young, old, and in-between, grow your Faith with us through our Christian Education programming.


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